C-quel on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/c-quel/art/SDC-Trollin-Trollin-Trollin-7-407941970C-quel

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C-quel's avatar

SDC - Trollin' Trollin' Trollin' 7



Another slightly-delayed comic continuing on after the two year wait that CC needed to execute her master company-saving plan. Thankfully she had a great engineering staff that helped her deliver on the two year goal (an engineering staff that was probably promptly laid off after that), so with finally some real inventory to sell, no doubt the company will rise from the ashes to spread Crappola all throughout the world!!

But then again, two years IS rather prehistoric by tech world measures. ;)

Also, it should be worth pointing out that CC has packed in a few too many Finnish pancakes during those two years. ^^

The penultimate comic in this arc will be dropped for efficiency, so stay tuned instead for the grand finale!

Next: Trollin' Trollin' Trollin 8

Artwork drawn by me in Inkscape, with Some Rights Reserved
If you like what you see, please consider tipping me with a purchase of the high-res version -- it funds my efforts AND it's dirt cheap. =)

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khari646's avatar
aww man not another 2 years 
i have been wondering, where's DD? why isn't she helping CC?