Tea BreakC-Puff on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/c-puff/art/Tea-Break-511725502C-Puff

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Tea Break



Confession; I am HOPELESSLY addicted to tea. We seriously had to make a special cupboard in my kitchen just for tea because I eventually had so many different kinds there wasn't any more room for it in the pantry.
At the moment my favourites are this strange Earl grey blend that has a lot of other herbs in it I can't recall off the top of my head, Peppermint with lemon, Stinging Nettle, and a sweet Rooibos with Strawberry. ....I'm probably gonna go make some now despite it being over 30 degrees C here.

I actually drew this a long time ago but I stopped drawing for a while and just never got to finishing it until now.

I rather like the end result :)

Floral stock from :iconjinifur:

...I really need to improve my shading and shadows ;_____; but I think getting back to drawing regularly first is probably more important.

:star: Thanks for the feature EQD :heart: and the person who submitted it :3 :star:
Image size
1365x965px 1.52 MB
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GargamelValpinaMoon's avatar

They are so cute!!!🤗😊