C-Puff on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/c-puff/art/Better-Luck-Next-Town-488876746C-Puff

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Better Luck Next Town



Not every town is as forgiving as Ponyville. But Curls and Moustache are use to it.

I'm still trying to learn how to draw these dudes. WHY ARE THEY SO HARD???

Oh. And don't worry, they're fine :heart:

It doesn't look like my Flim and Flam streak has worn off at all. Expect more of these scheisters to show up in your inbox from me.

Why the hell did I suddenly decide to draw a background?

Background reference: MLP Resource: Bgr 009 (Sweet Apple Acres) by ZuTheSkunk
Cutie Marks: Flim Flam Brothers Cutie Marks by PixelKitties

:star: thanks for the feature EQD :heart:
Image size
1148x1166px 1.44 MB
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