Awkward TeensC-Puff on DeviantArt

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Awkward Teens



I wanted to draw an older Spike, and somewhere along the line I wanted to draw a Spike between his bipedal 'child' age and the eventual 4 legged adulthood I believe he'll grown into. So this is the result.

I struggled with some things but I'm not that disappointed with the final result :)

I'm also trying to not be as stupid with my colours and shading and tried to make it nicer. I'm not sure if this is what I want, but I think it's a step in the right direction.
I need to be more daring with my contrasts more though. I feel this is perhaps still too 'safe'.

But it's not bad :)

:star: Thanks for the feature EQD :heart: :star:
Image size
1060x884px 680.07 KB
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