DBVR Majeed 126BVicius on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/bvicius/art/DBVR-Majeed-126-273277865BVicius

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DBVR Majeed 126




DBVR Majeed 126 :star::star::star::star::star::trophy:
Majeed dance by MUSONART May this night never end ... by Drachenberg-Manor His Dawn: Majeed 395 x Aurora Matutina 469 by BlackGlassButterfly
I'll Never Be Your Only... by Utakame :thumb291400351: Family Portrait by Drachenberg-Manor
Horse ID #126

'Majeed' means 'Noble, Glorious'. This fine Nordanner Stallion was the second peafowl found by the kingdom of Skagenrak. Gifted to Day Break Valley Ranch by the queen, this stallions name graces many pedigrees in many stables. He continues to show under the skilled hands of our dressage team, and is now under private stud for Day Break Valley.

Breed: Pure Nordanner           Registered: Yes
Gender: Stallion           Age: 10 years
Height: 17.2 HH           Genotype: EEEE aaaa nCrnCr PwlPwl
Color: Smokey Black **FAILED** Peafowl with Birdcatcher Spots
**Majeed is a homozygous peafowled, but a FAILED Peafowl. This means that while Majeed does not show the tail feather marking, he can produce full tail plummaged foals**
I will design and decide the foals Peafowl genes and tail plumage.

Bloodlines Starter x Starter

------Great Grand Sire -
----Grand Sire -
------Great Grand Dam -
--Sire -
------Great Grand Sire -
----Grand Dam -
------Great Grand Dam -

------Great Grand Sire -
----Grand Sire -
------Great Grand Dam -
--Dam -
------Great Grand Sire -
----Grand Dam -
------Great Grand Dam -

Tack: Daily + Dragon Hunter Gear           Discipline/Event: Show Jumping and Dragon Hunting

Do not confuse this section for Majeed's Kaaring point training segment, this is a short story series I have planned for him.
Traveling for Training

Personality: Majeed is a performer, the entire world is his stage! He loves to be the center of attention and performing for his audiences or ladies. And he is a ladies man. -Very Easy- to bridle, and willing to work, but will eat constantly and swipe his stall of any clean hay, so it looks like you haven't taken care of him for weeks. He is known as somewhat of a pudge, lol. As guns are not a used dragon hunting technique, he is afraid of Gun Shots. We are working to train him out of this, but it has been a slow road with him. He is fine so long as our seasoned pro Mahfouzah is with him though.

He hates most stallions and all geldings - but loves the mares in the flock. He has been seen grooming, carrying food too, and standing gaurd over various mares. He definitely has a 'knight in shining armor' aura around them. We've been extra careful to ensure he hasn't had any accidental covers, because it definitely wouldn't be for lack of wooing the ladies. ;)

Favorite Treat: Cheez-It's

Favorite Quote:
"Oh, life is a glorious cycle of song,
A medley of extemporanea;
And love is a thing that can never go wrong" - Dorothy Parker (1893 - 1967), Not So Deep as a Well (1937), "Comment"

Personality developed using the Horse Personality Randomizer. Check it out today!

Magic potions:
Potions are hidden during most events/shows/competitions using the Skagenrak Secret Recipe. Feed your horse a teaspoon mix of pure salt and sugar, and the magic will be hidden for 12 hours.

Stud/Breeding Status: Not Open
1. -:bulletpurple:- BHS Purple Rain 813 :star: out of BHS Silver Phantom 138 :star::star::star::star::star::star: owned by Drachenberg-Manor - May This Night Never End - A Family Portrait
2. -:bulletgreen:- SDS Uasail 816 :star: out of SDS Shiya 98 :star::star::star::star::star::trophy: owned by SilmesDragonStable - You Gentleman
3. -:bulletpurple:- NWS Keita 819 out of SDS Shiya 98 :star::star::star::star::star::trophy: owned by Dollyrawr - We Meet Again Love
4. -:bulletpurple:- tuscanvalleystables.deviantart… out of T's Laced Gypsy 110 owned by TuscanValleyStables - Return to Wanderers Island
5. -:bulletpurple:- MFS Suqour 895 out of MFS Kirsebaer 375 owned by MorganFireStables - A Glimpse of the Future
6. -:bulletgreen:- RDS The Foxx 841 out of HA Meoquanee 87 :star::star: owned by BangGoesReality - Breeding Pic?
7. -:bulletpurple:- EWS Dovahkiin 885 :star: out of DWS Eowyn 11 :star: owned by Utakame - I'll Never Be Your Only
8. -:bulletpurple:- Colia 851 out of Berserk 349 owned by King-Simon - Meeting a Cemophora Lady
9. -:bulletpurple:- RFS Shields on Fire 1222 out of RFS Set Fire to the Rain owned by AmigoGirl - Art Raffle Winner - mamat06.deviantart.com/journal… - amigogirl.deviantart.com/art/M…
10. -:bulletpurple:- TFR Blitzkrieg 1274 out of Berserk 349 owned by TsonianFieldsRanch Art Raffle Winner - mamat06.deviantart.com/journal… - tsonianfieldsranch.deviantart.…

11. -:bulletpurple:- OS Eirene 899 out of FW Ophelia 342 for badazal at BHSOS-Nordanner - A Unique Meeting
12. -:bulletpurple:- FW Luciana 880 out of O' Mistress Mine 123 :star::star::star::star::star::trophy: owned by Rosalaun - Ocean Romance
13. -:bulletpurple:- mamat06.deviantart.com/art/BGB… out of CoaH Aurora Matutina 469 for BlackGlassButterfly - His Dawn
14. -:bulletpurple:- mamat06.deviantart.com/art/144… out of HR Ezabella72 for AJRyan22 - We Are One
15. -:bulletpurple:- Reserved Breeding to unknown for Cloudrunner64
16. -:bulletpurple:- Reserved Breeding to unknown for :devcloudrunner64
17. -:bulletpurple:- Reserved Breeding to Unknown for SquirrelyTodd
18. -:bulletpurple:- Reserved Breeding to unknown for :devcloudrunner64
19. -:bulletpurple:- Reserved Breeding to unknown for :devcloudrunner64
20. -:bulletgreen:- Reserved Breeding to unknown for :devcloudrunner64

Kaaring Points

Reference = +1 Point

Partial body = +2.5 Points
You Gentleman - .5 Point
Return to Wanderers Island - .5 Point
Sketchy Portrait - .5 Point
Ocean Romance - .5 Point
We Are One - .5 Point

Fullbody = +10 Points
Hathien Sketch Commision - 1 Point
Chibified - 1 Point
Chibied Again! - 1 Point
We Meet Again Love - 1 Point
Chibied One More Time! - 1 Point
Meeting a Cemophora Lady - 1 Point
Snoozing Chibi - 1 Point
Regal Chibi - 1 Point
Spanish Walking It - 1 Point
Majeed Gift - 1 Point

Fullbody with background = +24 Points
Studly Chibi - 2 Points
Traveling for Training - 2 Points
Majeed - The Nordanner King - 2 Points
The King Enjoying Spring - 2 Points
Majeeds Dance - 2 Points
May This Night Never End - 2 Points
Frolicking in the Pasture - 2 Points
Back that A$$ Up!:giggle: - 2 Points
Majeed in the Night Light - 2 Points
Mama's Boys! - 2 Points
A Family Portrait - 2 Points
I'll Never Be Your Only - 2 Points

Training = +33 Points
Under Tack Collection - 3 Points
Kingsimon Breeding Payment - 9x fullbody w. tack training +27
Like Vincent Van Gogh - 3 Points

Show Entry = +51 Points
ApHF Mini Halter Event - 3 Points
HCW Mini Liberty - 3 Points
Majeed Speaks Out - 3 Points
NMallWS Halter, Singles Driving, Liberty - 9 Points
Spring Forward Show Dressage, Show Jumping, Hunter/Jumper - 9 Points
Bobwood Creek - Show Jumping, Stallion Halter, Cross Country, Liberty - 12 Points
Haston Alley Mini Show - Dressage, Show Jumping, Liberty, Halter - 12 Points

Show Placings = +3.5 Points
HCW Stallion Liberty Placed 5TH - .5 Point
Bobwood Creek - Show Jumping Placed 3RD - 1 Point
Bobwood Creek - Stallion Halter Placed 3RD - 1 Point
Bobwood Creek - Cross Country and Liberty Placed 6TH - 1 Point

Combined Art = +85.5 Points
Kingsimon Breeding Payment 1 - 6x partial bodies, 3x fullbody, 3x fullbody w. bkgd +12
Banggoesreality Breeding Payment - 7x fullbody training, 3x fullbody w. bkgd +27
TuscanValleyStables Breeding Payment - 8x fullbody training +24
MorganFireStables Breeding Payment - 1 partial body, 25 fullbody +25.5

Purebred offspring reaching "Quality Blood" status: 6 points

Total = 214.5 Points

:iconnordanner:SKAGENRAK & NORDANNER BREED © :iconbaliroadmin:
Pose Reference - www.boblangrish.com/index.php
Horse exported directly from Skagenrak

Official breed info:
Breed Informations
Image size
3000x3000px 9.41 MB
© 2011 - 2025 BVicius
anonymous's avatar
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Doodeedoodah's avatar
His distant offspring fav.me/d8gg01l has reached Quality Blood :)