ButtonsMaker on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/buttonsmaker/art/Anti-Art-Thieves-Fan-Button-396269079ButtonsMaker

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ButtonsMaker's avatar

Anti-Art Thieves Fan Button



You can report those artworks... if they are stolen by artists. Then use this button!

Just copy and paste the following code into any widget description/bio on your deviantART page!

<a href="http://requestbuttons.deviantart.com/art/Anti-Art-Thieves-Fan-Button-396269079"><img src="http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/239/3/c/anti_art_thieves_fan_button_by_requestbuttons-d6jxf6f.png"/></a>
Image size
386x56px 39.3 KB
© 2013 - 2024 ButtonsMaker
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Drspiral's avatar

Seriously fuck art thieves!  They're scum, pure scum, like don't they have any shame?  Like people work hours, blood and tears into their art and then some douche bag goes along and steals it, puts it up, and claims it as their own....WHAT THE FUCK?

You seriously can't draw so instead of practicing you steal art and claim it as your own....I have no respect for these people.