a profile of soulfirebutterflygirlco on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/butterflygirlco/art/a-profile-of-soulfire-575588105butterflygirlco

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a profile of soulfire



I know I drew pictures of my main OC before but I just thought of showing you what soulfire s life is like and how she got her cutie mark so here we go (sorry that the picture is a bit crumpled ,it has been in my college bag folded up) 
family :
mother: snippy love  ( a green Pegasus) talent: mane dresser cutie mark: crossed comb and scissors
father: crafty hoofs (a red earth pony)  talent: crafting clay cutie mark: clay pot
twin sister: ivy rose  (a green earth pony) talent: playing the recorder cutie mark :as same as her talent, a grey recorder
pets: a chameleon called splats
how she got her talent : soulfire got her cutiemark at a art competition at her school as a filly after she won 
what's her cutie mark: three pencils one ,white(on top) means imagination, pink (on right) means her fun side of art ,blue (left) means her messy side 
Image size
2338x1660px 569.33 KB
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