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cereal:geek issue six - pre-order NOW! :)
The cereal:geek website has been updated and you can now pre-order issue six! :)
cereal:geek website
Issue six will be available in comic shops later this year - However, the more pre-orders taken now, the sooner it will be published, and the sooner you will receive the magazine...long before it hits the shelves! :)
If pre-orders work well for cereal:geek (as they recently did for my He-Man cartoon guide) then I may run pre-orders on future issues, speeding up publication! :)
cereal:geek - Two NEW PDF specials! :)
Two NEW cereal:geek PDF specials are now available to buy from the website!
cereal:geek "electric boogaloo"
This 100 page special features pin-ups and animation art from the first SEVEN issues, as well as animation art that has yet to be assigned to an issue! This PDF is a great way to see just some of the fantastic artwork and behind the scenes material that are featured in each and every issue of cereal:geek!
cereal:geek "Ac-ti-vi-ty"
This 100 page special pays homage to the coloring and activity books that we all grew up with in the eighties! Within this PDF you will find page after page of cereal:geek-based illustrations to color, wor
cereal:geek poster #01 - ON SALE! :)
The first of (hopefully) many cereal:geek-related posters is now on sale:
They've already started selling, and there are only 100 printed - Be sure to grab one NOW! :)
cereal:geek in PREVIEWS! :)
Issues #2 and #3 of cereal:geek appear in the January 2010 issue of PREVIEWS (page 318 to be precise) - Order the magazine through your comic shop NOW! :)
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I'm considering pre-ordering it but does it have that Marvel Universe-style profile of April O'Neil?