Requests get!Burrii on DeviantArt

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Requests get!



Asghfjkl, sorry it took so long!

Well, that's all 10/ 11 requests, and I'm planning on a reroll after I finish my july tasks and some other stuff! The reroll will take 10 more people, but only people that haven't already gotten a request. I'm getting why people only take five at a time or something.........but oh well! Ten more it is! Have a nice day!

List of teams (sorry but putting links takes longer than drawing four characters for me ^^;)
2. The Matrixs
3. The Unbeatable
4. Silent rescuers
5. Team Light-Shadow
6. Team Vesperia Tail
7. Team Rush delivery
8. Team Kurai
9. Team R&R
10. Team Midnight Cotton
11. Team Royal Feathers

Well, Imma do mah tasks and another group's work soooo... See you at the next time!
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1538x1170px 910.65 KB
© 2013 - 2025 Burrii
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Lily-Lyn-Rain's avatar
I love the way you did that Sewaddle! It's so cute!