It's burrdog's birthday week!
burrdog's avatar


423 Deviations
Artist // Digital Art
  • Feb 14
  • United States
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • They / Them
Not A Lie Cake: It's so delicious and moist (6)
Birthday '15: Celebrated DeviantArt's 15th birthday
DeviantArt Originals: Participated in April Fools' Day 2018
30 Days of Pride: Participated in Pride Month 2019
Diamond: It's the highest of honors to be awarded an exclusive Diamond badge! (4)

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Hey! I know you don't sell Cs anymore but do you still sell myos? I've always wanted a chime and I've been thinking about the species a lot lately <3 thanks in advance

Hey! Yeah honestly I'd be down for this, I'm glad you're still thinking about them <3 Someday they'll be sort of incorporated into an existing arpg, but for now they're still just drifting around doing their thing. I'd sell you an myo for $35, if you're interested go ahead and DM me your paypal email and I'll send an invoice ^^

where do you post if/when you will be opening coms/prices?

I don't open comms! Sorry, my dA is strictly hobby at this point barring what little I do in CS. I occasionally take customs for the ARPG I'm a part of ( but that's it!

how much would a bawroo myo ticket be?

at the moment i'd say $45 for common/uncommon traits!

hello! i was just wondering how much lucky chime myo slots cost and/or if it costs anything to redesign a chime? :O