WIP - The blue ice cold is coming againburnsplayguitar on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/burnsplayguitar/art/WIP-The-blue-ice-cold-is-coming-again-704323366burnsplayguitar

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burnsplayguitar's avatar

WIP - The blue ice cold is coming again



Whats up guys.

Just a little preview of my current work. Why not bring my Artico theme to the Elementary?
Bad screen resolution to a decent shot + a lot to work to do.

Maybe it's time to open to requests. Any old piece to bring to life again?? even from other deviants who can open cc

See You Here's a kiss for you, my love! 
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1366x768px 665.2 KB
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KDr3w's avatar
Looks great!