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Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • July 19
  • Deviant for 13 years
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Hello and welcome to my profile! :) I am Marlana. But, to make it easier about my name, you can call me Marly or Mar as a nickname.


What Element Of Harmony Are You?
What Element Of Harmony Are You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime

Are You A Tsundere Or A Yandere?
Are You A Tsundere Or A Yandere?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime

Who Is Your Ideal KH Guy?
Who Is Your Ideal KH Guy?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime

What Organization XIII Member Are You?
What Organization XIII Member Are You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime

What Style Fits You?
What Style Fits You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime

Your result for Disney Princess Personality Test...


The Hero...

Your result for The what element are you? Test...


You scored 200 elemental!

Your element is fire you are passionate and strong

Take The what element are you? Test at HelloQuizzy

Your result for The Which Element are you? Test...


You scored 52 Earth, 17 Air, 18 Water, and 41 Fire!

Fire is your element. You are a person ruled by thoughts and emotions. You can get angry often, but rarely stay that way. Friends and family play an important role in your life, and you love that they do.

Take The Which Element are you? Test at HelloQuizzy

What Anime Hair Color Best Suits Your Personality?
What Anime Hair Color Best Suits Your Personality?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime

Your result for The Which Holiday Best Suits You? Test...


45% New Year's Eve, 48% Valentine's Day, 41% St. Patrick's Day, 30% Easter, 54% 4th of July, 24% First Day of Summer, 70% Halloween, 42% Thanksgiving and 43% Christmas!


The best holiday for you is Halloween!! There could be many reasons why you got this--you love free candy, wearing costumes, and partying with your friends.  Maybe you have kids, and Halloween is one of the most popular holidays among children. 

 Maybe fall is your favorite season, and when Halloween comes around, that's when you can get the best hayrides, pumpkin picking, etc.  The foliage this time of year is amazing.  Whatever your likes, next year, celebrate Halloween in style!  If you've never donned a costume, do it! Make your own or just pick up something silly from the local cheapo-mart.  The best thing about Halloween is that even a sheet with holes for eyes is appreciated as a good costume!  Also, you're never too old to Trick-or-Treat, but if you're past a certain age, you might get the cops called on you.

You got 70 for Halloween--if that number's high, you DEFINITELY love Halloween.  If it's low, it means you either love all holidays or none.  Try retaking the test if you got a low Halloween percentage, got this result, and you're unhappy about it.

Take The Which Holiday Best Suits You? Test at HelloQuizzy

How Mature Do You Think?
How Mature Do You Think?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime

Which Vocaloid Are You?
Which Vocaloid Are You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime

Which Hatsune Miku Nendoroid Model Are You?
Which Hatsune Miku Nendoroid Model Are You?
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Which Blue Exorcist Character Are You?
Which Blue Exorcist Character Are You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime

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Which My Little Pony Are You?
Which My Little Pony Are You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime

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╔╝─╚╗Jesus Christ...
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______♥___♥______ GOD

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# stamp - cherry blossom by gigifeh # stamp - love cherry blossom by gigifeh:thumb430894454: Stamp | Dreamer by CuteSight
I Love cake stamp by Lustfulwish Stamp: I love cotton candy by apparate I Heart Pastel by NauticalSparrow I Heart Spectrum by NauticalSparrow
I do love rainbows by AlbinoSeaTurtle I Love Cute Things by AlbinoSeaTurtle Nightowl Stamp by Kezzi-Rose Starry Stamp by Mel-Rosey
I Love Stars- stamp by AlbinoSeaTurtle wolves by Folkwe Howling Wolf Stamp by SunnStamp I Love Cupcakes by LadyQuintessence
I love the Night by LadyQuintessence Moonlit Night Stamp by Seiorai .:Just a Dreamer by GinkgoWerkstatt Spring Stamp by Kezzi-Rose I Love Nature 2 by Wearwolfaa I Love Music by Wearwolfaa Steampunk Stamp by Seiorai stars by iLed Beach Bum - Stamp by CatherineHH Beach Bum II by CatherineHH Surfer Girl II by CatherineHH Surfer Girl by CatherineHH
I love Dolphins by WishmasterAlchemist Golden Retriever Love Stamp by cloudrat Seasonchanging by electr0kill Dream Stamp by allivegotarerainbows Galaxy Stamp by allivegotarerainbows Love imagination stamp by Mel-Rosey Spirit Stamp by NativeHorse32 Spirit Stamp by KTstamps Stamp: Spirit And Rain Reunion by Cynderen Spirit and Rain stamp by Nanabuns Simple Spirit Stamp by BlackVioletsAreReal I'm a horse lover by pjuk
I'm a unicorn lover by pjuk I'm an eagle lover by pjuk I'm a panda lover by pjuk Spirit x Rain stamp by Gryphonia
Spirit Stamp by StampAG Balto  Stamp by StampAG OP_Amaterasu Stamp by Stamp221 Okami-Stamp by Dinoclaws
Okami stamp by Boarfeathers Spirit stamp by DivineSpiritual I Love Horses Stamp by Black-Heart-Always I love Black Horses by WishmasterAlchemist
I love Mustangs by WishmasterAlchemist I love Friesians by WishmasterAlchemist I love Arabians by WishmasterAlchemist My friend stamp by Transitus
Dont need to be popular Stamp by DragoN-FX {Perfect} by Mesperyian {Never Give Up} by Mesperyian Popcorn love stamp by sosogirl123
I love french fries stamp by sosogirl123 I love pizza stamp by sosogirl123 I Love Cookies stamp by sosogirl123 OC Love Stamp by rynoki
Jesus Stamp by SuperSonicGirl79135 I Love Rainbows Stamp by ClefairyKid Chocolate Love stamp by sosogirl123:thumb472811480:
The Cross Stands for Love by AshPnX Be True To Your Heart by AshPnX Jesus heals by DanileeNatsumi Smile, Jesus loves you stamp by SailorSolar
I love Sparkle and Glitter by Snow-Body Red Moon - Stamp by candlelit-deco Jesus... by Jesus-loves-You Not ashamed to be Christian by sugarpoultry
:thumb608872657::thumb605607868::thumb187190889: Stamp: Dogs :D by Snow-Body
How are you? by L3xil3in:thumb120190226: German Shepherd Stamp by Muttie
I love Ravens by WishmasterAlchemist Jesus is my savior stamp by nekooYuui-cHan:thumb267958956: Hey, Mommy by L3xil3in I love Chocolate Labs by WishmasterAlchemist I love Yellow Labs by WishmasterAlchemist I love Black Labs by WishmasterAlchemist Children of Light by Amy-pink:thumb74943109::thumb212252486: Jesus-loves-you-STAMP by Jesus-loves-You
:thumb80508989: I love Black Wolves by WishmasterAlchemist iHope by 2Timothy3-16 FFVIICC Zack by madcoffee iTrust by 2Timothy3-16
I love Arctic Wolves by WishmasterAlchemist I love White Tigers by WishmasterAlchemist .Stamp. Protected by Jesus by KillMePleaseGod I love deviantART by muslma Gamestop stamp by AniuProserpina I Love Nature by XxDiaLinnxX
I love Black Panthers by WishmasterAlchemist I love White Lions by WishmasterAlchemist I love Tigers by WishmasterAlchemist GSD Stamp by Roaguewolf Stamp-I Support Jesus by Jazzy-C-Oaks Stamp-Summary Of Revelation by Jazzy-C-Oaks Cloud stamp by SitarPlayerIX It's a simple truth, no need for a description by XxDiaLinnxX You can't tell me otherwise. by XxDiaLinnxX
White Shepherd Puppy Stamp by cloudrat I'm a bird lover by pjuk I'm a butterfly lover by pjuk German Shepherd Love Stamp by cloudrat Shorthair ger. shepherd stamp by Tollerka:thumb589524177:
:thumb595481768: blue space stamp by catstam I love Cheetahs by WishmasterAlchemist I love Jaguars by WishmasterAlchemist
Cute dog Stamp by L3xil3in I Love fireworks by Snow-Body Outer Space Stamp 2 by Brainmatters Outer Space Stamp 5 by Brainmatters Invisible Friend Stamp by LadyPep JLY avatar by Nilopher I Support Jesus by Amy-pink Zack Fair by ovstamps Crisis Core Stamp by Cloudemyx
:thumb429201085: Jam Those Tunes by NorthboundFox Where are you, men of courage? by XxDiaLinnxX I'm a wolf lover by pjuk I'm a dog lover by pjuk Don't Be Afraid by XxDiaLinnxX Because of Him, I'm ALIVE by XxDiaLinnxX
I'm an animal lover - The Stamp Set by pjuk I Love The Night by TheLoveTrain I love music by Kavel-WB:thumb193765189: I Support Earth by pjuk Dazed and confused... by PixieRiot Final Fantasy VII Stamp by merigon Night time is Best time by flowerflowerpower I love Foxes by WishmasterAlchemist Stamp-God Is My Number 1 Dad by Jazzy-C-Oaks Stamp-I'd Rather Be Hated by Jazzy-C-Oaks I'm a snake lover by pjuk Pepsi Love Stamp by wangqr Stamp: FullMoon Addict by Nawamane
I love Wolves by WishmasterAlchemist:thumb193766356: Space... Stamp by OrigamiNinja41:thumb300636237::thumb313501297: Glow animated by SQUiSHtheHobo Summer Stamp by Kezzi-Rose Saved by grace... by Nilopher The Moon by AraulsStamps I Heart Blue Skies Stamp by Faythemos
Freedom is a choice. by PixieRiot Paradise... by PixieRiot Look upto the stars. by PixieRiot Lost in my imagination... by PixieRiot
free by Animal-Stamp Night by SquallxZell-Leonhart Sky Lover by A-Sent-Miracle Sakura by LaraLeeL Stamp: Spring Cherry Blossom by vasselli Lights by vasselli
Day by SquallxZell-Leonhart Believe... by Aquaticpainter Surrender to the Lord by Aquaticpainter Dream Collector by SquallxZell-Leonhart Star Collector 2 by SquallxZell-Leonhart I love Rainbows - Stamp by r0se-designs I Love Rainbows Stamp by zara-leventhal
Magic of Light by SquallxZell-Leonhart Proud to be ME by SquallxZell-Leonhart A little gift... by Aquaticpainter
I believe in you by SquallxZell-Leonhart Animals need love... by SquallxZell-Leonhart Magic by SquallxZell-Leonhart Unleash The True Power of Prayer by XxDiaLinnxX
TSFH - Fan -stamp- by Cecilia-vas-ilion:thumb345597533::thumb255892299: Stamp: Audiomachine by Nawamane
Stamp: Future World Music Fan by Nawamane Cancer 2 by SquallxZell-Leonhart iBelieve by 2Timothy3-16 Wish upon a star by muslma
Protected by Friends by SquallxZell-Leonhart I love my sister by SquallxZell-Leonhart I love My Mom by SquallxZell-Leonhart

─╔═╗─If you Love
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Which Ghoul Are You?
Which Ghoul Are You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime
What Anime Weapon Would Work Best For You?
What Anime Weapon Would Work Best For You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime

What Alicorn Princess Are You?
What Alicorn Princess Are You?
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What Super Power Do You Have?
What Super Power Do You Have?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: <a

What Kingdom Hearts Character Are You?
What Kingdom Hearts Character Are You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime
href="www.theotaku.com/quizzes/view/…">What Element Fits You Best?
What Element Fits You Best?
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What Final Fantasy VII Character Are You?
What Final Fantasy VII Character Are You?
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Favourite Visual Artist
Thomas Kinkade
Favourite Movies
Mulan, Tarzan, The Lion King
Favourite TV Shows
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, Superbook, Summer Camp Island, OK K.O Let's Be Heroes!
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Ayumi Hamasaki, Utada Hikaru, and Riyu Kosaka
Favourite Books
Raziel's Shadow, Azrael's Wrath, & Zariel's Doom
Favourite Writers
Joseph Robert Lewis
Favourite Games
Kingdom Hearts 2
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS2, Nintendo DS Lite
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop CC 2015
Other Interests
art, singing, J-Pop, anime, Japan, cherry blossoms, archangels, Jesus, St. Michael, Castlevania Symphony of the Night, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy VII, movies, fantasy movies, epic fantasy books, Japanese language, Israel, Hebrew language, & horses

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It's my 27th birthday today!🎂🎉 Man, I'm getting old! I already feel like I'm 30.😆 I'm sorry that I haven't been able to be here. I've been dealing with some issues for some time. It's nice to be here today and to see you all again!💕💕💕 I love you, my friends!💞💞💞
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Up till now, my life's been good. Treated me well. Created fond memories, graduated from school, experienced new things, made new friends, and had great and new adventures. However, just like in everyone's life, there were things that made things difficult. And, even a little crazy: When I was a kid, I had searched for the answer as to who I truly was. Who was the girl I saw when I would look in a mirror. Unfortunately, I was bullied a lot in school. I was even bullied by my teachers in middle school. I have wrestled with my past and the memories that I want to forget. There are things I wish that I haven't said, seen, or done. I had always thought that Jesus had died for everyone else, except for me. That I was rejected by my own Maker and his angels. Plus, there were always those times where I have struggled against the enemy, Satan. Whom I had listened to his lies and trusted what he was always telling me. When I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression in my early adult years
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Merci ami déviant pour le favori 😊

Flowered bowl with butterfly decoration

Thank you burningrage8-13 for adding not art of Floral Symphony 24082115122902 to your collection, favoriting not art of Winged Elegance 24082014193303, and not art of Floral Symphony 24082115122902.


Hi! Thank you for the fave..

Good morning Marly, Happy Birthday!, Big Hugs!🎂😊.

Badge Awards

You're very welcome!❤️😊, how are you feeling?.

Thanks for the fave!.