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Persona 5 Tarot: Ryuji

Character  Ryuji Sakamoto (Persona 5)Location  Tokyo Japan


Got obsessed with making this this weekend because I FINALLY had personal time & saw a pose his action figure was making and I just NEEDED to do it.
Love me this good boy. Also, I didn't want to make the horses so out they went! lol Will I do ALL the Tarots? We'll see.

01 - Morgana the Magician/Juggler: www.deviantart.com/burningarti…
02 - Makoto the Priestess: www.deviantart.com/burningarti…
03 - Haru the Empress: www.deviantart.com/burningarti…
04 - Yusuke the Emperor: www.deviantart.com/burningarti…
05 - Sojiro the Hierophant: www.deviantart.com/burningarti…
07 - Ryuji the Chariot: fav.me/de525nq
08 - Akechi the Justice: www.deviantart.com/burningarti…
08R - Reverse Akechi Justice: www.deviantart.com/burningarti…
09 - Futaba the Hermit: www.deviantart.com/burningarti…
10 - Chihaya the Wheel of Fortune: www.deviantart.com/burningarti…
11 - Justine & Caroline Strength: www.deviantart.com/burningarti…
12 - Iwai the Hanged Man: www.deviantart.com/burningarti…
13 - Takemi of Death: www.deviantart.com/burningarti…
14 - Kawakami the Temperance: www.deviantart.com/burningarti…
16 - Shinya the Tower: www.deviantart.com/burningarti…
17 - Hifumi the Star: www.deviantart.com/burningarti…
18 - Mishima the Moon: fav.me/de5acud
19 - Yoshida the Sun: www.deviantart.com/burningarti…
20 - Sae's Judgement: www.deviantart.com/burningarti…
21 - Joker the World: www.deviantart.com/burningarti…

BACK - Igor the back of the cards: www.deviantart.com/burningarti…

Added Arcana:

000 - Kasumi's faith: www.deviantart.com/burningarti…
001 - Maruki the Councillor: www.deviantart.com/burningarti…
Image size
1200x2200px 941.27 KB
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