nausicaaburari on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

September 13, 2008
nausicaa by ~burari. From the suggester: "This piece by burari is just so beautiful... The soft lighting and her relaxed pose speak of such tranquility, but the details in the deceptively simple colours is incredible. What impresses me the most is that the artist could keep true to Miyazaki's style of artwork, while managing to create a completely unique deviation! Amazing stuff!"
Featured by aunjuli
Suggested by Miyukitty
burari's avatar




nausicaa is japanese popular animation movie and story comics.
the comic contains an environmental problem and something any more.
the movie was made light for all audience.

and I recommend both of them.
Image size
1000x1069px 898.92 KB
© 2008 - 2025 burari
anonymous's avatar
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This was the first ever anime i have ever seen and because of that most modern animes dont interest me. My standarts for anime were irreversibly raised up because of movies like these.