My top 10 favorite German charactersBulldoglover14 on DeviantArt

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My top 10 favorite German characters



Now im going to show you my top 10 favorite German characters from tv shows, movies, and video games.

1. Reinhardt (overwatch)
2. Von kaiser (punch out)
3. Sasha (amphibia)
4.Heinz doofenshmirtz (Phineas and ferb)
5. Vanessa doofenshmirtz (Phineas and ferb)
6. Edna mode (the incredibles)
7. Snow White (snow white)
8. Blitz (road rovers)
9. Gunter (sing)
10. Uter (the Simpsons)

I’m pretty much enjoying making these particular top 10 favorite meme things, like characters that are based on their heritage/nationality.

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