Pirate ShipBuilt4ever on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/built4ever/art/Pirate-Ship-590568979Built4ever

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Pirate Ship



Original design for a small pirate ship. Maybe it's called the "Seahawk." This is a first shot at drawing/designing such a thing, so consider it a work in progress, I'm sure I'll be re-visiting this soon and making small corrections and additions. Understanding complex sailing rigs is not easy, and there is no guarantee that this craft would perform well or be stable (in reality,) but I tried to base it on typical ships from 16th to 17th centuries, pirate ships, Spanish galleons, other sailing craft from this era. Another installment in the "obsolete transportation" series! Any marine/ship buffs or experts out there feel free to pint out problems/inconsistencies/technical details that need fixing.

Technical: Faber-Castell pencils on cream cardstock. Drawing is about 8" x 8" drawn in scale 1/16" = one foot approx. 

For concept art info email me at: beauregard.francois@yahoo.com
Image size
1832x1652px 703.25 KB
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trecegato's avatar

I can see Jack Sparrow in this ship. Good work. 👍