Spontaneous Combustion Emotebudgieishere on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/budgieishere/art/Spontaneous-Combustion-Emote-17203203budgieishere

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Spontaneous Combustion Emote



[ Spontaneous Combustion Emote ]
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Finally, it's done. A new, original emote. Beats me editing my other ones to form new ones.

I'm so very pumped with this. Just getting all the details first pixelled, then the animation process, was all very strenuous. But I'm very happy with the end result, and this is one of my favourite creations.

[ Details ]

Story goes, this dood is just sitting there. He senses something, raises his eyebrow and looks around. But alas, he can't see anything out of the ordinary. He passes it off, but only a second or two later he bursts into flames. Screaming, he stares at his hands, before frantically looking for something to put it out, before succumbing. The flames disappear just as quickly as they came on, with all that's left of him being a pile of ashes and a puff of smoke. Another emote dood comes along, and notices the pile of ash. Thinking it as odd, he grabs a broom and swiftly cleans up. Loop.

As I said before, was a bitch to make, but so rewarding. Kel, I left the flames as they were cause I felt the cartoony style suited it better. Plus, I wasn't going to re-pixel them. Jules, I followed your advice, and made the coming on of the flames quicker, and I think it's more effective.

[ Thanks to: ]

:bulletred: =dreamheaven
:bulletred: *j-m-s
:bulletred: =lady-maree
And to all those who commented and favourited the flame tester. :thanks:

I hope you enjoy it. I'm very very happy with this.

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28x24px 30.03 KB
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anidoriclonewriter's avatar
lolololol I couldn't stop laughing!