Super Grover original title from Sesame StreetBuddyBoy600 on DeviantArt

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Super Grover original title from Sesame Street



Announcer: Presenting the world's most favorite super hero who is faster than light, stronger than steel, smarter than a speedy bullet! It's SUPER-GROVER!
(Super Grover breaks through the title card as the fanfare plays as the word "Super-Grover" appears on top of the screen)
Grover: And I am cute, too.
Announcer: And now to the story.
Grover: Yes, On with the story.

This is my fan art of the original Super-Grover title card.

Super Grover logo Copyright Rainbow 2 by Children's Television Workshop. / HA! Henson Associates Inc. 
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640x480px 18.3 KB
© 2017 - 2025 BuddyBoy600
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