buckeyestar on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/buckeyestar/art/Soviette-References-65417103buckeyestar

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Soviette References



Yup, the altitis is still in high gear. ;p

After CoH did their name purge in preparation for the name/server change option, I checked on some of the ones I've tried to get for a long time. Unfortunately most of them were still unavailable, but I did snag a couple. This is one I've been dying to make but never had a suitable name until this one opened up this week. I give you . . . Soviette. She was The Soviet Unions version of Captain America as they tried to create their own metahuman soldiers to counter the perceived threat of so many American heroes. She was frozen at the end of the Cold War, to be awoken when the Soviet Union had need of her once more. She was "aquired" by Crey Industries for experimentation, but was released from her frozen tomb when the Rikti invasion cut the power to her cryogenic pod. Emerging into a world she no longer recognizes, and feeling abandoned and betrayed by her countrymen, she continues to be a champion of the people as she adjusts to living in this strange new home.
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AslanC's avatar
You know I may have to commission someone to do a classic cover of Lady America vs. Soviette! She looks outstanding sir!