the reddest bitebubug on DeviantArt

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the reddest bite



"Sansa was only a child but still she'd seen the fox's red grin as it slunk from the henhouse, heard the fox chuckle to itself as it danced away back into the night. The Hound's own laughter had changed; she heard now the chuckle of a man who has always taken with pleasure the first, and reddest, bite. And so he was before her unrobed, the best of himself - shoulders loose, sure of step - and crackling all over, every inch, with death."

"Into the Wood" by Walter Gilman,
based on "A Song of Ice and Fire" by GRRM

(uh, submiting here really messes up with colors and contrast - the original is a little warmer and darker; hard luck, you can always download ; )
Image size
2154x2861px 7.58 MB
Date Taken
Oct 26, 2012, 8:57:47 PM
© 2012 - 2024 bubug
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TiaLangela's avatar
The Hound if the books, the best.