
I found your note on here just now at

. I don't know if you ever found a good place to get brushes but I belong to

Project-GimpBC and they have some brushes made available there. I don't know what you use (Photoshop, GIMP, etc.) but I've got various links to both GIMP and PS brush sources in my DA ID section. There's even a link on there for the brush search section of DA, which is how I found some of the brushes in my faves. Speaking of faves, I also have a lot of brushes that I've found and added to my

folder. That might help as well. Some of the ones I've found are in the regular faves section because I've been "redecorating" and still need time to recategorize them, but most of them are in the folder "GIMP-PS brushes." One of the best places IMHO to find great brushes is at

. I have no affiliation with her (so I'm not **advertising** for her or anything). I just like her brushes a lot! I've also been using some nice brushes lately by

I hope this helps and if you have found any other good brush sites please let me know!!! I would *LOVE* to add them to my collection!