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brushmad's avatar

Buckles Part 1 Illustration fashion object stock



These are made for fashion Illustration drawings, but can use them any way if you do not have to be just fashion.

They are 10 points for the entire Illustration fashion object stock

These are in EPS formant (it can be open with Illustrator and Photoshop)

You get 43 different types of Illustration fashion object stock

Upload them

1. down them of DA

2. open it with Photoshop, Illustrator, fireworks it works on all them

3. if open it with Illustrator you get all the line and you can change it shape.

4. if open it with Photoshop or fireworks cannot change it shape, only colour it in

Have fun with them.

Bullet; Greenother links to stockBullet; Green

Illustrator brush Bullet; Pink Object stock

Bullet; GreenBuckles Part 1

Image size
2835x2835px 540.19 KB
© 2014 - 2024 brushmad
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