deviantWEAR sizing preference: XXL Favourite genre of music: Alternative Favourite photographer: Myself! Just need a new camera. Favourite style of art: Land/waterscape photography....or anthro art Operating System: Prefer OS X, but stuck on a Windows PC... MP3 player of choice: Sansa Clip! Shell of choice: Taco Skin of choice: Leopard fur!
Favourite Movies
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Kings of Leon
Favourite Gaming Platform
Other Interests
Furry, fursuits, amateur radio, electronics, anything that has magic smoke :D
So my wife had her yearly yesterday with the doctor...and the doctor said she is pregnant with our second baby! I'm so excited! I'm now daddy²! (daddy squared for you non-math folks).
My wife's and my 2 year wedding anniversary is next Tuesday and I'm thinking of getting a nice colored, 2 character, simple background commission done. Anyone interested or know a good artist that might be?