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Explorers Team App: Team Echo



Since the PMDu group seems to be on the move finally, I figured I'd finish up my finalized app.  

Name: Luna Fiore "Fi"
Pokemon: Noibat
Type: Flying/Dragon
Gender: Female
Nature: Impish
Ability: Unknown for now

Fi doesn't remember too much from before her orphanage days. They found her in a cave sobbing and alone. That's about all she can recall, anything before that is a blank. Not that she care's too much. "Its all in the past," she would tell them. Her life at the orphanage was one filled with prank after prank after prank. She loved messing with her friends and the staff, whether they liked it or not. Everyone surprisingly took it in stride, but her playfulness had one unintended side effect: no family. All her friends came and gone after some time. It slowly got under her skin that she was still without family. However, she found solace in stories of adventure and valor. Book after book she read whenever she felt the loneliness of her predicament. It is little wonder that she would run away seeking this freedom of adventure. Why wait for a family when she could find one? Why sit around when there was so much going on in the world and the fog?

Name: Arrowhead "Arrow"
Pokemon: Marill
Type: Water/Fairy
Gender: Male
Nature: Relaxed
Ability: Huge Power

Arrow spent a lot of his time relaxing, sleeping, and eating aside his river. Between waking up and falling asleep (which was often), he could count on another aimless day floating down his little paradise. Life was uneventful, and that is exactly how he wanted it. However, his little unofficially claimed stretch of river was taken as prime real estate from a family of Feraligatr. It started subtly with one or so just swimming by to eat somewhere far off, but it became worse and worse until they began to harsh Arrow's mellow with aggression. The attacks escalated to the point of permanent damage of his left ear.  After that, they successfully drove him away from his lovely chill zone. With a somehow bored, discontented sigh and a napsack filled with snacks, Arrow set off for new lands and, more importantly, a new place to crash. His face was rather calm on his date of forced eviction. This was because even though he was pushed out, it wasn't because he was weak. No, he know that he could take it back...if he wanted to. But "...meh..."

I didn't add any of the complimentary accessories for now.  I'll do some when I accrue some Star coins.

Temperary Application:…

Edit (05/15/2014): Changed a 12 to a 0 on stats.
Edit (07/01/2014): Changed Sabotage to Switcheroo.  (How did I not notice that at all?)
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974x1886px 341.02 KB
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cailas-moon's avatar
Quick note: Please include links to the team's temporary application and M1 submission(s) in the description. Also, if your team is not using their free Guild-issue accessories, please include such information in the description as well. Thank you!