BrokenFeline-Stock's avatar


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Deviation Spotlight

  • United States
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • She / Her
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (12)
My Bio
Current Residence: WA
Favourite genre of music: Rock, classical, country, opera, gothic....anything but rap really
Skin of choice: soft
Personal Quote: Choose love and death over hatred and life

Favourite Writers
Favourite Games
Mine :)
Other Interests
My horses, writting, photography, reading

from now on

0 min read
Alright guys, as ya'll can tell, haven't been in the stock business for some time now. Feel free to use what's on here, same rules as always apply for credit, but you don't have to let me know if you used it anymore, cause chances are, this account isn't ever really going to be checked again. Go apeshit.
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Well, as you all can see, i havent posted anything for a while. the reason for this is the massive amounts of problems i was having with my computer. those are now mostly fixed. but we are also moving. i have been very busy, and currently have to home computer hooked up to the net. and half my camera stuff is packed away, hehe. but we now live on a 60 acre plot, so i will be posting plenty of nature shots, and friends will be comming over for a shoot soon. please, let me know if you have any requests, ill try my best ^_^ I welcome any of you to use my stock. Here are my rules, there are few, but i expect them all to be followed, if they a
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I welcome any of you to use my stock. Here are my rules, there are few, but i expect them all to be followed, if they are not, and i find out, i will report you to DA administration: 1: STOCK IS FOR DEVIANART USE ONLY! 2: NOTE ME AFTER SUBMITING A DEVIATION IN WHICH YOU USE MY STOCK 3: GIVE ME CREDIT AND LINK BACK TO MY SITE IN YOUR DESCIPTION All deviants also have my permission to use my stock in prints, no questions asked. That's all! And there are no restrictions on what kind of art you can use the stock for, just so long as the rules are followed. --- *STOCK BY CATGORY*: model:
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Profile Comments 230

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 thank you so much for providing suck excellent and high-quality stock for us to us. I've used one of your photos here. I believe I followed your rules--but if I did not I apologize. Please don't hesitate to tell me. :heart:
I used your wonderful stock (again) here


I used your lovely stock here: [link]
Thank you! :3
I used your stock here: [link]
I used your stock here [link] Thank you. :heart: :cuddle: