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Decided I was going to make some adopts XD I need to points anyways and what not so here is the first one. She will be but up for auction and I am going to start her off at 100 . The bidding will have to increase by at least 10 . I also want her to go to a loving person that will in fact draw her and not let her just sit around, I'm sorry but I put a lot of time into my adopts now and want them to be used, If I didn't I wouldn't make them.
-Donate points AFTER I ok it
-After you adopt it, it's yours.
-You can make small changes such as taking some things away or adding things but not too much, what would be the point of buying an adopt then?
-You HAVE TO credit me.
-You can NOT claim or make the design/adopt appear to be your own work.
Auto Bought for 450 by ~SuperCrazyRainbows
End of auction: 8-7-12
I don't care if whoever buys her changes her back story, this is just what I am making her back story.
She was captured as a pup, taken away from her family to a nucular facility and was injected with harsh chemicals, being observed to see how they could possibly effect the human and animal population. As she grew older her beautiful natural coat started to turn sickly greens and her eyes slowly paled. The scientists confirmed she had some how become blind yet she was able to make them out. She sees almost in a thermal imaging, able to make out heat much like a snake does. Her saliva also turned a sickly green although it is not toxic, her blood on the other hand is very much so.
Art and design(c) me
-Donate points AFTER I ok it
-After you adopt it, it's yours.
-You can make small changes such as taking some things away or adding things but not too much, what would be the point of buying an adopt then?
-You HAVE TO credit me.
-You can NOT claim or make the design/adopt appear to be your own work.
Bidding Information:
Auto Bought for 450 by ~SuperCrazyRainbows
End of auction: 8-7-12
Back story
I don't care if whoever buys her changes her back story, this is just what I am making her back story.
She was captured as a pup, taken away from her family to a nucular facility and was injected with harsh chemicals, being observed to see how they could possibly effect the human and animal population. As she grew older her beautiful natural coat started to turn sickly greens and her eyes slowly paled. The scientists confirmed she had some how become blind yet she was able to make them out. She sees almost in a thermal imaging, able to make out heat much like a snake does. Her saliva also turned a sickly green although it is not toxic, her blood on the other hand is very much so.
Art and design(c) me
Image size
2500x1500px 2.13 MB
© 2012 - 2024 Broken--Star
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Can I auto buy, please? I really love her xD