Stocks and Resources

2 min read

Deviation Actions

BrJ-exe's avatar
:bulletgreen:** Rules ** :bulletgreen:

:bulletblue: -  Please leave the link of your work so I can evaluate and fav :+fav:

:bulletred: is not allowed to use my stock for purposes of racism, defamation or  contains animal cruelty, etc.. :bulletred:

:bulletred: - Dont use my stock/resources to make new stock/resources.
:bulletred: - Dont sell my stock/resources.
:bulletred: - if you use them outside of  DA, please let me know and let the due credits.
:bulletred: - Please respect my rules. Thanks :thanks:

:) Is authorized to use your work done through my patterns for commersial. You do not have to ask me first. anyway I have no way to control it. :shrug:

Good use, I hope you enjoy. :w00t:

My work can not be edited, published, transmitted or redistributed to another website in any way without my written permission. If you have questions, please contact me by e-mail:

Rules :pointr: Stock/resources
:bulletred: - Redistribution of our resources is strictly forbidden.

The work contained in my gallery is copyrighted ©2010 ~BrJ-exe ( Bruno ).:devart:

Questions  (FAQ):

- I found your resources on another site in someone else's account and they say the resources belong to them!  :shakefist:
What do I do?

Peply: ( Please contact me, leaving the person's name or the link, so I can take steps cabeis to such person. e-mail: )
© 2010 - 2024 BrJ-exe
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