dammit not again...........
1.- You must posts these rules.
2.- Each person has to share 10 things about them
3.- Answer the 10 questions asked to you and invent 10 questions the people you tag will have to answer
4.- Choose 10 people and put their icons on your journal
5.- Go to their page to inform them they are tagged
6.- Not something like " you are tagged if you read that"
7.- You have to legitimately tag 10 people
8.- No tag-backs
9.- You can't say that you don't do tags.
10.-YOU MUST MAKE A JOURNAL ENTRY. NO COMMENTS. Unless you're commenting about the actual entry
what i was asked
1)WHAT is your name??
~~sir lancelot of camelot
2)WHAT is your quest??
~~i seek the holy grail
3)WHAT is the atomic weight of Iron?
~~...................dammit. give me a sec, i gotta go find my periodic table.
4)Did you die?
~~apparently. the bridge took that as a no. *gets tossed into the gorge of eternal peril*
5)Do you even know what I'm talking about?
~~is it nerdy if i say yes?
6)Okay a real question, uh, well....WHAT is your favorite color?
7)Have you even laughed once yet?
~~you kidding? im dyin over here *rolls on floor laughing*
8)Hey look! A flying mint bunny what do you do?
(a)kill kill kill kill kill kill (b)whats a flying mint bunny? (c)errrrrrrrrrmerrgerd I must havvs!
~~i choose number c--------why would you want to kill
9)Awww. It flew away while you were reading your options, what now?
~~what else, toga party. (in background*toga!toga!toga!*......oh FrUk what have i started )
10)Last question, do you think I'm preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeety?
my turn
1)favorite band?
2)favorite food?
3)favorite movie?
4)favorite catch-phrase?
5)favorite tv show?
6)imagine your batman.what top 5 items do you find in a bookshelf?
7)youre still batman. what top 5 things do you find in a cave?
8)nothing has changed. name something a penguin does.
9)what is batman's secret identity?
10)did you enjoy being batman?
imma tag:
ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
wow, it's been how long?
Hi, guys.
first off, thanks thanks and thanks again for staying with my page for this long. i bet you guys are ready for more stuff from me, right?
well, good news. i have some more stuff in the works for fanfics of the Hetalia variety but first i must ask all of you a question: WHO is your fave character? i ask this now because based on how you all collectively answer i might just use your favorite Heta bro. just, please no fangirl wars in the comment section, please?
thank you for your patience,
Writer-Chan :)
Devious Journal Entry
Devious Journal Entry
*sitting in living room listening to POD youth of a nation*Me: "i wonder what POD stands for?" *thinks for a moment* " People on Drugs??.....no, i dont think thats it...."so que the wiki page!!!!!Me: "well.... i was wrong...."POD= Payable on Death
Devious Journal Entry
© 2013 - 2025 brittrulz
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