BrittanyWillows on DeviantArt

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BrittanyWillows's avatar

Final Stand



Just a crappy half-assed sketch. xD

...I can't tell you much about what's happening in this picture.
Actually, I can't tell you what's happening at all. LOL

BUT, what I can tell you is
Shit's goin' down.

Also, that's Kenon's hand. :icontrollfaceplz: But you probably already knew that.

Kenon, artwork, the Calypsis Project (C) :iconinaka--inusaka:
Image size
800x550px 74.57 KB
© 2011 - 2024 BrittanyWillows
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Zebraflower-xo's avatar
this reminds me of the titan that cartoon movie abou the future :) They have a map just like that