Current Residence: The Hero Garden, California
Favourite genre of music: Modern and gothic rock, techno and progressive rock (preferably fused tgether!)
Favourite photographer: I have one, I just can't remember what his name is.
Favourite style of art: Victorian/gothic/renaissance, anime
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4.9 and waiting for Leopard!
MP3 player of choice: iPod 60 GB color w/ video
or iPhone, but not as much storage there!
Shell of choice: No preference
Wallpaper of choice: Varies
Skin of choice: Suprise me!
Favourite cartoon character: Chao, Di Gi Charat, Rozen Maiden, A Little Snow Fairy Sugar
Personal Quote: Oh, so it's the computer that's stupid... MOVE! (SNL skit quote) "Your company's