Tanz der Vampire-sketchbrindlegreyhound on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/brindlegreyhound/art/Tanz-der-Vampire-sketch-70765854brindlegreyhound

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brindlegreyhound's avatar

Tanz der Vampire-sketch



I recently discovered this musical. And I loves it.

The music was composed by Tim Steinman (the genius behind Meatloaf) based on the 1967 Roman Polanski film The Fearless Vampire Killers.

This sketch is based off of the CD cover. I changed Count von Crolock's hair because the original annoyed me.

I saw the picture and went "Pretty! I must try to draw that!"

When a voice in my head tells me that the neck is going to be painful, I must listen next time. Her neck is at a very odd angle, and was a bit of a challenge.

[link] Here is "Die Unstillbare Grie" as performed by Steve Barton. Genius, I tell you.

And as a fun note, I don't speak a lick of German so I had to read the translated script. It's a neat play. (I love German sung, so the original concept album is on my list of CDs to buy :D )

Oh, and I own nothing but my literal pen strokes.
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VisViridis's avatar
great drawing.