Offering slots to these following kids, desperately in need of some art for some other tokos so only accepting art at this time
Art/Lit rules
- I may ask you to do an AoA image/story, this will be instead of 2 ARs
- There is a minimum of 1 AR per week/7 days
- If you haven't uploaded at least one image/lit by the end of the first week the deal will be voided. I've had too many people just randomly not finish/start AR deals
- If you need an extension please tell me, I know life happens. I ask that you have uploaded at least 1 image/lit before asking for an extension
Slot rules
- All slots are NO INBREEDING, this includes last-line inbreeding sorry
- Slot swaps are allowed
- Please do not resell these slots
- Gifting of these slots is allowed
Myror 48498
Marked collared sable tundra with flecking
Traits: Ancient Blood, Caver, Fisher, Hardy
Amber 48203
Marked collared sable tawny with flecking
Traits: Diver
I am looking for AoAs in exchange for slots!
Some tokos who need their rites are not breedable due to hierarchy or personal lore, so slots will be offered to another breedable toko
Each image must have at least one bonus
You must submit one image per week
IRL stuff happens, if you need an extension please let me know
If the AoAs get an excellent score, I will gift you 1 free slot to one of my breedable tokos
The tokos
Caerleon 48030
Marked collared black with accents and pangare
Traits: Brawny II, Caver, Hunter, Fisher, Swift Feet
Payment: 1x slot to him
Alaska 46822
Payment: 1x slot to one of my breedable tokos
Strawberry 45394
Marked collared cream tawny with accents and pangare
Traits: Excellent Conformation, Thick Coat
TAKEN - CosmicReality (due 24/12)
Payment: 1x slot to
Seeking Owlflight children by Brighty009, literature
Seeking Owlflight children
I've put this in the Discord a few times but it seems to get glossed over
I'm looking for children and grandchildren of my boy Owlflight. I've been slacking on keeping his progeny list updated and its coming back to bite me seen as some of descendants are related to dragons who have a lot of offspring out there.
Even though it doesn't effect the ARPG, I still hate to inbreed even by accident.
Known children
Snowdrift (@Brighty009)
Darkcloud (@Brighty009
Hvitr (@LysCelest)
Laidu (@NeonNeoDragon)
Riven (@XLightningCore)
Snaer (@rosefirst)
Known grandchildren
Shiverpaw (@Brighty009)
Equinox (@ChibiCreates)
Blizzardstorm (@Akisiel)
Byleth (@xLightningCore)
Kaiser (")
Accalia (")
Sephiroth (")
Avarosa (")
Weiss (@counter--fate)
Firnback (@Loumun-Versen)
Harfang (")
Tundraice (@Wildstar00)
Ari (@horseg27)
Eriwan (")
A winner has been chosen! @Darkfury1087's design won first first place, in second place is @Millowen's design!
I got the special Stormcutter I was wanting from my Fable breeding, only this is I didn't think ahead and now have no idea what I want the special kiddo to look like. So, I decided to open it up to all my fellow HTTYDGrounds people because the community often comes up with some really cool designs and ideas.
If you wish to enter, please comment with a design sketch below! You don't have to include colours/markings but if you do that would be great!
Things I like / Inspirations / Ideas:
Fur, feathers and designs based off birds (especially birds of paradise), soft flowy/lacey things, flowers??, little bits of the parents visible in the design, pastel colours,
Mother: Fable the Stormcutter
Father: Crimson the Monstrous Nightmare
There will be one winner, winner will get to choose one of the following items as their prize, everybody who enters will get a free
As the title says, I am leasing out some nems for those who don't have one or don't have an uploaded nem.
Once you have leased a nem, they are yours to work with until the lease ends.
Breeding is not allowed - if you wish to breed please just buy a slot
You are responsible for any injuries (which means you must heal them)
Use whatever type of media you wish (art, lit, crafts, etc)
Headcanons are allowed
Please try to keep the nem's personality/rp info in mind
Have fun
Carnival of Souls Leasing
If you need a nem to participate in the CoS event, you can lease one here! You have the nem until the end of the event, once the event ends the nem comes back to me. During this time, you are responsible for any injuries that occur (which means you have to heal them).
Breeding is not allowed.
half of the teeth found by the leased nem
including one of my nems in each of your entries
General Leasing
General leasing is exactly what it says. This is the kind of leasing
Because the event wasn't completed, the base wasn't released. If the event had been completed the answer would be yes. Sadly, I no longer have the terrid base