brightcat13527's avatar


536 Watchers260 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Digital Art
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Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (3)
Heart: Love is in the air, someone is thinking of you! (1)
Gold Coin 2023: Someone thinks you're golden! (1)
Whipped Cream: Someone loved your perfect bake! (3)
Platinum Fragment: The platinum pinnacle of fragment achievement!
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (148)
My Bio

Hello! Wow, it's been quite some time since I updated my little bio thingy! Anyway, I'm an animator and digital artisit! As you can tell from my gallery, I love dragons! I'm a pretty chill person and I stay away from drama as much as I can. Don't have the energy for that.

Favourite Movies
Too many to name!
Favourite TV Shows
Currently digging: Attack on Titan, Promised Neverland, Dr. Stone
Favourite Books
Dune series, His Majesty's Dragons series
Favourite Games
Insomniac games, Okami, Sucker Punch games, Diddy Kong Racing, Banjo Kazooie
Favourite Gaming Platform
All of them
Tools of the Trade
Adobe Photoshop, Clip Studio Paint
Hey guys, it's been a long time since I wrote anything on here. I know some older dA users pretty much think the site's dead or whatever. I'm still here and trying to dust out the cobwebs and get used to the newer features. I've added some commission posts as well as a monthly tip jar tier. I don't expect anyone to buy anything, just dropping a fav and a kind word is plenty. I do have my NSFW work behind a paywall as per the rules. Anyways, just a heads up: commissions are always open. Of course my specialty is dragons, but I can draw just about anything with enough reference. Drop me a note if you're interested.
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:bulletblue:Entry: Just posting a new journal entry because I'm tired of looking at the last one from... May June? But anyways, I had a pretty good summer. Spent most of it in anticipation of going to college, but now I'm finally here! I'm currently attending the Art Institute of Philadelphia and I'm majoring in media arts and animation. I moved in exactly one week ago, and I gotta say that Philly isn't so bad! A good portion of my favorite stores are very close by (which might get me in trouble lol) and my classes are only a 5-10 minute walk away. However my english class is in the culinary building which is a 20 minute walk away. :P But an
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:bulletblue:Entry: Time for a journal update! It's been a while since my last one hasn't it? Anyway, things have been going pretty good in the while I was fairly inactive. I have done a few pieces of artwork, some are photos which I'll post as soon as I can find my camera. Since it's Thanksgiving break for me, I've been relaxing the whole time and working on my Blender models. I'm about half way through Flazer, a wolf Zoid that I created. It's going to be much better than Random Wolf since I actually have a plan as to what I want it to look like. Also I had a wonderful birthday party back on the 10th of this month. I invited all of my frien
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Llama Farm

Profile Comments 319

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Happy early birthday!
:iconlachoirplz::iconsaysplz: Dananana! :iconcake3dplz: Happy Birthday!
You're welcome! ^_^
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