ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
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I'd love to show you an outstanding artwork which was dedicated to me by my wonderful friend and amazingly talented artist Wesley-Souza And he got a DD!
Thank you once again dear Wesley!
Let me introduce you two wonderful and very promising digital artists
and her amazing artworks
Vera veravik
Another wonderful artworks I found in February
:thumb430315485: :thumb434241649: :thumb432996204: :thumb423079036:
<da:thumb id="435340099"/>Mature Content
Mature Content
If I could DD feature project
An awesome project which I'd like to take a part in
So, these outstanding pieces are my choice. :aww: I choose them because of an awesome concept, smart idea and brilliant technique of their authors :love: :love: :love:
:thumb395051515: Today is one of the happiest days of my life. My little sweetest princess Agnea, a true light of my life was born.
She is 2 today! :cake: :thumb401014574:
Due to this wonderful day I'like to make a FEATURE with images of children, cause these wonderful little people are truly flowers of life, our pride and future!
Take a look at those amazing innocent cuties and smile!
:thumb410049738: :thumb190701424: :thumb170359079: :thumb298477605:
:thumb298475650: :thumb215718674: :thumb105373994: :thumb354984764:
:thumb298558706: :thumb428457182: :thumb428430463: :thumb428435987:
I got tagged.. :D
Cutie Paul !J-u-d-a-s ( :steaming: :eyepopping: :fork: :crash: that sweetheart il ( tagged me. :hump: :iconmoominhugplz:
So the rules are:
1. You must post these rules.
2. Each person has to share 10 things about themselves.
3. Answer the 10 questions asked to you and invent 10 questions the people you tag will have to answer.
4. Choose the 10 people and put them on your journal.
5. Go to their page to inform them they are tagged.
6. Not something like "You are tagged if you read that."
7. You have to legitimately tag 10 people.
8. No tag-backs.
9. You can't say you don't do tags.
10 thi
Happy New Feature!
I'd love to introduce approved DDs I've suggested :love:
:thumb408390775: by ~SvetlanaKLimova ( awarded by :iconaeirmid:
:thumb393169933: by :iconletomouse: awarded by :iconemerald-depths:
My own DD :thumb398734962: suggested by :iconmachiavellicro: and awarded by :iconaeirmid:
My other nominants for DD were
:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
and other amazing artworks of talented artists I saw recently.
:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Here they are :iconflyingheartsplz: :iconflyingheartsplz:
:thumb189594495: :thumb136259292: :thumb415993447: :thumb424980143: :thumb423811354: :thumb215624275:
© 2014 - 2024 BrietOlga
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Sorry, I'm so late
Great collection, thank you so much for including my image!
Great collection, thank you so much for including my image!