a Journey through liquid aetherBrianKesinger on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/briankesinger/art/a-Journey-through-liquid-aether-434315549BrianKesinger

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BrianKesinger's avatar

a Journey through liquid aether



here is a better look at one of my original tea paintings done for the upcoming Steampunk art show, Mechanical Kingdoms at Disneyland ! it's called "a Journey through liquid aether."
I am having a signing event saturday feburary 22nd from 9-11 am. the folks at Steam Day have set up an event page for a steampunk meetup at the park www.facebook.com/events/144155… AND The League of S.T.E.A.M. will be there as well after the signing for a League of S.T.E.A.M. Meet & Greet at Disneylandso if you couldn't tell...this is going to be a very steamy day at the park and you won't want to miss it. my originals will be available for sale as well as limited edition prints, and i will have a special treat for anyone who will be cosplaying as victoria that day. thanks everyone, i'm so excited and i hope to see you there!
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© 2014 - 2025 BrianKesinger
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Lorddragonmaster's avatar
Sadly I found this artwork too late! Can't get a print of it anywhere.