Don’t ask me what it is they see. You know, in ordinary art, there's all the difference in the world between the vital, breathing things drawn from Nature or models and the artificial truck that commercial small fry reel off in a bare studio by rule. Well, I should say that the really weird artist has a kind of vision which makes models, or summons up what amounts to actual scenes from the spectral world he lives in...
...only a real artist knows the actual anatomy of the terrible or the physiology of fear—the exact sort of lines and proportions that connect up with the latent instincts of hereditary memories of fright, and the proper colour contrasts and lighting effects to stir the dormant sense of strangeness.
Hello, my name is Brett Gray, and this is a really great place to see some of my work. Every artist has a favorite medium. Charcoal is mine, and I work almost exclusively in it. I have worked in oils, acrylics, pen and ink and even clay. As you’ve no doubt heard before, there’s something primal about charcoal; it is the one medium that has truly allowed me to articulate that strange, elusive language of dreams (or, for that matter, nightmares).
I have always had an affinity for monsters, horror movies, and mythology; shades of these and other various sources have informed much of what I create.
Thank you so much for visiting my page, and I hope you enjoy my work! Much more is on the way!
I am currently open to accepting commissions.