Blaire White Sexy Pinupbrentcherry on DeviantArt

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Blaire White Sexy Pinup

Model  Blaire White


Man, it's been a while! A mixture of major depression, creative burnout, job hunting, and the current pandemic has contributed to a lack of uploads here. Sorry about that. :( (Sad)

But anyways…

I've been wanting to do another pinup drawing of the lovely Blaire White for a while now, but I really struggled to do it in a way that shows off the beauty and sex appeal she's known for. After TONS of research, I finally decided to use this as my reference:

Now to be completely honest here, I used a 3D model as a starting point to get the right pose, then took it into Photoshop to draw the hair, jewelry, panties, makeup, and final touch-ups. So this is more of a half 3D, half drawn kind of thing. But either way, I'm pleased how this turned out. La la la la

I decided to go with the "No Homo" on the panties, as I felt that perfectly fits her sense of humour, as well as her incredible ability and hard work to pass as a woman. Figured everyone would get a kick out of that little gag. :laugh: 

She just recently passed 1 million subscribers on YouTube, so this seems like a perfect time to release this drawing. For the few of you who don't know Blaire, here's her links to social media:

I hope you enjoy, and I also hope to upload more art in the new future. 2020 has been a bitch on all of us, so fingers crossed that things will get better sooner than later. :crossfingers: revision 
Image size
2376x3070px 5.12 MB
© 2020 - 2025 brentcherry
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Wigger19's avatar

Why come he have no bulge my wigga