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1 min read

Deviation Actions

breid's avatar
I've been inactive from the community for quite a while and will continue to, as I've only recently been dismissed from the hospital with acute encephalitis as a result of West Nile disease.

I did feel a need to speak to the organizational issues I have recently seen here.  I don't know any of the persons involved in this situation personally, and my only stake in the outcome are the friendships and community I have enjoyed these several years.  I do not know who's "right" and what's the proper legal action.  But let me simply offer a bit of advice and let whomever will, gather what they will from it.

At the end of the day, all a man has is his integrity.  Money is a temporary high.  Power and control can only be managed for a little while.  At the end of the day, there is a reflection in a mirror that will be your only companion.  I hope that you all will behave in such a manner that you can be proud of that man.
© 2005 - 2024 breid
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bookdiva's avatar
Well articulated, Bill.

OMG...my thoughts and prayers go out to you for a speedy recovery (although I know it will take some time to completely recover). I am so sad to learn of your having West Nile. :hug: :heart: