BreckinisDramatical's avatar


suffers from wanderlust~
51 Watchers182 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

  • June 29
  • United States
  • Deviant for 13 years
  • She / Her
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (62)
My Bio
A flaming lesbian-homosexual
I'm single. AND I NO WANT CHU~!
A photographer, writer, poet, illustrator, ukulele player, comedian.
Totally against bullying, homophobia, racism, intolerance, ignorance, and generally rude people.
A piercing and tattoo loving freak.
A sassy gay friend: WHAT, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!
Big on making everyone know their true beauty.

Me and that’s all I’m ever going to be. (:

Current Residence: With some sexah ladies~
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Size AWESOME
Favourite genre of music: Everything on my iPod
Favourite photographer: Again don't want to be cocky but me
Favourite style of art: Any type of expression
Operating System: Dell/Windows 7
MP3 player of choice: iPhone
Shell of choice: Turtle!
Wallpaper of choice: Moon Jellyfish
Skin of choice: None but my own
Personal Quote: Shoot for the moon even if you fail you'll land among the stars

Favourite Visual Artist
My friends
Favourite Movies
Nightmare before Christmas, Pirates of the Caribbean
Favourite Writers
Not to sound cocky but me
Tools of the Trade
Sword, Pen, Pencil, Paper, Camera, iPhone, and Laptop.
Other Interests
Writing, Ladies, Art, Piracy ectt


0 min read
Howdy doooo y'all! As you can see, WARNING: obvious statement is obvious, I've returned to the world of photography. My summer job paid off as I now am the proud owner of an Olympus Pen camera. She takes photos just swell! And I want to turn back to focus on establishing a portfolio- I may study photography at my uni college of choice. :3 Still will be doing a year (or more!) abroad in Australia. Now those pictures are going to be stunning. Those tid-bits of tutelage (*squee* BIG WORDS) aside I'm working towards many things right now. :bulletwhite: In this next week [yesterday - Friday] I have to finish my summer course in order to take m
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I purdy much forgot about my aquiring a tattoo in a few short weeks. Heh... Dumb bum is me. So I now am in a state of panic- ALSOBECAUSEISLACKEDONMYWORKANDSTILLHAVE28ASSIGNMENTSLEFT!!!!!- to find the fitting ink to marr my body. I'm torn between a handful of options and more pop up everyday. I want something on my forearm region- Mainly right- so I'm trying to figure that out. I'd like a saying going horizontal or on my wrist. But I also want a lipstick print somewhere and some birds... I want "Neverland," on me and "Wanderlust," maybe even "Lunacy,"- SEE HOW TORN?! Thus why the wizard swear.... Urg, VOLDEMORT'S NIPPLE~
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0 min read
I have a new obsession: Moon jellyfish~ I love moon jellyfish. If you haven't seen them before please check my favorites right now because they are wonderful, wonderful creatures. I want to combine them with my also re-introduced obsession. I also love tattoos all over again. Including tattoos on hot women. Lordy, that is so yummy. But I'd love to get a moon jellyfish tattooed on me but I don't know how to go about getting one- Anyone love me enough to design one for me? I mean I'll pay you back in love and eternal gratitude. I promise. Any takers? (: Side note; hair getting cut and styled sexily tomorrow and nails getting done~ <3
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Profile Comments 1.6K

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Hey i love your work
It's been quite some time lady! The deviantArts is missing out on being Breckinated :O
omg yes i came on to see omg shes gone!!! lol
Come online some time
We, the founder and I, see that you are a member of our one in a kind club. And we (lately) welcome you to


We hope to see you participate in our club but most off all we would like to see your OC for this club. (it is sort of a requirement.) So please try your best to submit an artwork c:

For the contest, look at the journal entry (if lazy click here for info xD [link])

We would also like a reply c;