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breathless-ness's avatar

Cowboy Bebop : : 1 : :



Never thought I'd ever cosplay from Cowboy Bebop, but when *aramis01 asked me to be Julia when she cosplayed Faye, how could I resist!!

Man, I watched this series such a long time ago, and it is one of the few that brought me to ugly tears at the end XD all the characters made such an impact!

My first cosplay with *twinklee and we get to shoot angst!!! Thank you for being such an amazing Spike <3 and also for your beautiful editing!!!!!!!!!

:iconbreathless-ness: Costume made and worn
:icontwinklee: Spike
:iconaramis01: Faye
:iconechoing-artemis: Ed

:iconstrawtography: Photography

Image size
663x900px 388.2 KB
© 2012 - 2024 breathless-ness
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I-am-His-artist's avatar
Mind if I add this to my Facebook cosplay album? I'll, of course, credit you for the image.