Stock Use Contest #6 (CLOSED)

11 min read

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Just Name by Branka-Artz

Our Stock Use Contest #6 starts today January 21, 2020.

There are 5 stock photos to choose from.

You must use one of them, or more if you'd like.

You have more than a month and a half to complete your entry.

Your entries will be judge according to your Skill Level.

Use the same skill level as in the previous contests.

You can't change at will unless you have
improved and move up to a higher level.

Those who haven't partake in these contests before

and don't know their skill levels yet,

feel free to ask me in a private or group note.

Skill levels explained.


You are not comfortable with the program you used to compile a photo manipulation.

You are struggling with shadows and lighting and depth of field.

Do not know how to cut out properly, or using masks.

You do not know how to blend properly.



You are comfortable with the program you used to compile a photo manipulation.

You're still figuring out how and where to add shadows and lighting, and depth of field.

You know how to blend, learnt to cut out indestructibly by using masks.

You're still in search of your style.



You know exactly how to use the program to compile a photo manipulation.

You know where to add shadows and lighting, and depth of field in your creation.

Your blending is seamless, cut out indestructibly by using masks.

You've found your style.

F2U | Flower Divider by UmieArt

Required Stock

Scotland Stock 587 by Malleni-Stock The two ridges by Sergiba

Primate by PhoenixRisingStock

Winter Green by Elandria Wintry Princess by miss-sinn



                  Pixel: Green Star by apparateYou must be a member to play.

  Pixel: Green Star by apparateYou must use at least one of the required stocks.
  Pixel: Green Star by apparateThe stock you picked must be visible in your creation

  Pixel: Green Star by apparateYour entry must be made on or after the contest start date.
  Pixel: Green Star by apparateYou may enter twice, but only one entry can win.

  Pixel: Green Star by apparateYou must include the following in your description:

1. The name of the contest, namely Stock Use Contest #6

2. Our group icon - :icon FeedYourImagination: (without the space)

3. Your skill level - Beginner, Intermediate, or Advance

(Your entry will be declined if this is not included)

 You must credit and notify all stock used.

1. If the resources are from DeviantArt then a direct
link to the original stock photo is required.

2. If the resources are from any other legitimate stock sites,
or your own photos, just mention it
in the description, no links are required.

  Pixel: Green Star by apparateNo images from Google, Bing or Pinterest are allowed.

  Pixel: Green Star by apparateWhen you are finished with your masterpiece,
submit it to the folder marked Contest - Submit Here.

  Pixel: Green Star by apparateWe accept ONLY Photo Manipulations and Mixed Media

1. Photo Manipulations - Manipulations are required to have three elements or more.

2. Mixed Media - The use of stock photos with 3D renders and/or painting.

  Pixel: Green Star by apparateWe accept any Fantasy art, dark fantasy as well.
Pixel: Green Star by apparateWe need 15 or more entries to proceed to voting.

  Pixel: Green Star by apparateWe reserve the right to add or subtract from these rule at any time.

The Deadline

March 5, 2020 at 23:59 SAST

The Prizes

Points donated by

Advance 1st Place - 400 :points:

Intermediate 1st Place - 300 :points:

Beginner 1st Place - 100 :points:


Premium Stock

:icontinalouiseuk: :iconsecretdartiste-stock: :iconelandria:

Art Feature

Llamas for Winners


If you want to donate more prizes, anything
like art features, premium stock, free artwork, etc,
please contact me, or leave a comment on this journal.

More points are always welcome.

Happy Maniping by Branka-Artz

Top header art "Castle" by WDWParksGal-Stock

Created at
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