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brandonale's avatar

My Little Pony Videogames Meme 7.



dig dug,rayman,watch dogs,kid icarus,bioshock infinite and rayman.
spike,pinkie pie,applejack,princess celestia,lutece twins(pony version),raity,twilight sparkle and pony with grumpy cat cutie mark from my little pony friendship is magic.
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870x816px 574.07 KB
© 2016 - 2024 brandonale
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cybertech02's avatar

Ok even do I just recently started watching mlp out of boredom and back in the day did not want to watch it but now I changed my mind it is a ok show but I say the bioshock Easter egg reference caught my eye and for a children show I say to children do not play the game bioshock infinite until you are 18 and also can handle how confusing the story is because man it is hell confusing and with multiverse being a thing does this mean those ponies could have been the pony world counterparts of the twins who are also the same person from different dimensions