Gallery Exhibition, Pinterest, and Feature

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brandimillerart's avatar

Two of my pieces are going to be on display in the gallery's Citation Exhibition at my university. The pieces being shown are "Yoshi Wants ALL the Tennis Balls" and "Dorky Dino Letterhead." They'll be up from March 28th to April 6th. The gallery is in the art building of University of Central Missouri. If you're in the area, stop by to see the work from me and many other student artists.


I'm curious if very many other artists here on dA use Pinterest. I just recently started using it. Do you use it? Do you use it to collect inspiration from other artists or to get ideas for crafts? Do you pin products you want to get, kind of like a wish list? What do you most enjoy pinning? If you're interested, feel free to follow me here.


Here is yet another feature of brilliant portrait work. I seemed to have gathered a lot of it.

:thumb254732320: Cakes - Blue Cupcakes I by KiaraBlackPhotograph Closer by EnjiNight Sew by Grafilogika Double Word Score by IMustBeDead He's Got The Ink.. by xBassxHarmingx ..You're Never Meant to Read. by xBassxHarmingx Candle by antoanette lightness by TheAutumnLeaves Martha by ugine31 :thumb229819918: :thumb129085819: :thumb169204769: Windmills and the Willow by JaimeIbarra Dejame Vivir by JaimeIbarra Fawn by JaimeIbarra staring at the sun. by CaitlinWorthington summer dream by orangeoranye Music is all I need by DorottyaS

Skin created by firstfear

:iconlovesickmistake: :iconkiarablackphotograph: :iconenjinight: :icongrafilogika: :iconimustbedead: :iconxbassxharmingx: :iconantoanette: :icontheautumnleaves: :iconugine31: :iconmeganbreukelman: :iconjaimeibarra: :iconcaitlinworthington: :iconorangeoranye: :icondorottyas:
© 2012 - 2025 brandimillerart
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SketchedExistence's avatar
Congrats! How awesome!

I've checked out Pinterest briefly, though haven't joined. Seems like it could be very addicting. XD Do you recommend it? I've heard of artists using it to share their art as well.