boyxboy-manga's avatar


Sensei and Cheesy
92 Watchers47 Deviations

BoyxBoy Chapter 5 Part 3 by boyxboy-manga, literature

BoyxBoy Chapter 5 Part 2 by boyxboy-manga, literature

BoyxBoy Chapter 5 Part 1 by boyxboy-manga, literature

BoyxBoy Chapter 4 Part 3 by boyxboy-manga, literature

BoyxBoy Chapter 4 Part 2 by boyxboy-manga, literature

BoyxBoy Chapter 4 Part 1 by boyxboy-manga, literature

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BoyxBoy Chapter 5 Part 3 by boyxboy-manga, literature

BoyxBoy Chapter 5 Part 2 by boyxboy-manga, literature

BoyxBoy Chapter 5 Part 1 by boyxboy-manga, literature


Deviation Spotlight

  • United States
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • She / Her
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (2)
My Bio

Current Residence: Momotani Manor
Shell of choice: Koopa shell
Skin of choice: Sometimes I try on Elaine's skin, or vice versa
Personal Quote: "There's no excuse for a greenhouse of this size!"

Favourite Visual Artist
Elaine-sensei (cheesy wrote this)
Favourite Writers
Cheesylovesong23/Queen-of-SEELE :>
Other Interests
Art, writing, yaoi, manga, anime
Even though Sensei said nothing much has changed, I feel the need to update the journal because I keep going on the Boyxboy page feeling restless. I've been sick, so I've had time to actually update this! I got inspired because Sensei's birthday came round again, and I always write a Boyxboy chapter for her birthday! Every time this happens, I feel inspired again, and the need to write more and actually get my butt in gear.We've waited years for Takehiko, and I'm eager to write about him. Plus, all the juiciest parts are still up and coming. This is a yaoi, right? Where's all the sex you ask? It's time I got to writing that, too. I don't t...
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0 min read
:iconelaine-sensei::'''''D So like. Cheesy is at my house again. We're both going to college in San Francisco, so we get to see each other a lot more often. Almost every time I see her I pester her about writing more BoyxBoy... and she pesters me about the manga. OTL Did any of you even remember that there is supposed to be a manga?Well, there should be eventually. I knooow I've used this excuse before, but I'm IN COLLEGE NOW WITH A MAJOR IN ILLUSTRATION, AND I'M GOING TO TAKE SOME COMICS CLASSES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. I should also try... lowering my standards. That would probably get me to go, lol. Cheesy suggests I start practicing with s...
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0 min read
:iconElaine-sensei:We are so WOEFULLY behind on Boyxboy. I thought I might as well just make a journal to show that I haven't completely forgotten about this place. BoyxBoy still has the POTENTIAL to happen. I dunno. Cheesy's been working on other stuff. And I get really sad whenever I think about how neglected BoyxBoy is, so I guess I've been avoiding this out of self defense.I am not willing to give up and consider this closed. I will still draw these characters so I might as well keep this open.I just hope that Cheesy will go back to BoyxBoy when she's finished with the Homo Diaries. I hope so.... no one knows these characters better th...
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Profile Comments 21

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Doesn't your webcam person ever get tired of eating just cereal?
Never. It's pretty much all he eats. That and cake.
Hmm...okay then. I hope he doesn't grow to be a pig.
Yeah... I too am waiting so very eagerly for the next chapter. :D
because you are a fellow boyxboy fan. xD

Thanks for the watch~ :3
Now I can actually explain myself! Just look at this link! I had to post the mood emoticons in order to use them!