Fulfilling Present (Male WG story) (Toby's POV)
I groaned as I slowly woke up, I had no clue what had happened before I fell asleep.
I was startled when I took in my surroundings, a completely empty, white room. Well, no, not completely empty. There was a table piled high with desserts, cakes, cookies, pies, and many more, a meter away from me.
I looked down and gasped as I realised what I looked like, I was on my knees, my entire body wrapped in red ribbon, my only piece of clothing my underwear. I went bright red then remembered that I was the only one here, noone else could see me, at least, I hoped noone else could see me.
It was then that it all started, a single cookie floated off of the table and towards me, it hovered infront of my mouth, unmoving. I knew what it wanted me to do, but I wasn't going to do it. Not a chance.
Though apparently I didn't have much choice, the cookie then shoved it's way into my mouth and I had no option but to swallow it. It was amazing, it was the most delicious cookie I'd ever eater, if all the food was like this I might actually eat some more of it.
The next piece of food floated over, a slice of cake, it hovered for a second Infront of my mouth, but I didn't hesitate, I dug my face into it, biting chunks off of it as fast as I could, after a while, whatever cake was left would just shove itself into my mouth anyways, though any crumbs I dropped stayed where they were, so my thighs were covered in them.
This kept going for a few more minutes until I felt a sharp jab of pain, I looked down and realised I had eaten more than I had intended to.
My belly was looking extremely bloated and was starting to push against the ribbons, that pushing was what was causing the pain, the ribbons were beginning to dig into my belly, but I'll be honest, I didn't much care, I just shrugged and kept eating.
After another few minutes of gorging myself, one of the ribbons became unbearable, it was right across my belly button and was digging in say more than the rest, which had mostly slid up to my chest or down to my waist, but this one stubbornly stayed put.
I had an idea, all I had to do was grow a bit more and the ribbon would snap, it didn't matter too much now anyways since I already looked like I'd swallowed a beach ball.
I kept shovelling desserts and various treats into my mouth, trying to grow enough to snap the ribbon. Eventually, it worked, and the ribbon snapped, leaving a red mark across my newly round belly.
The fat had started piling on in other parts of my body now too, my chest had bloated outwards and was now sat atop my bloated stomach.
I rubbed my belly to get rid of some of the pain of the ribbon, but the food kept coming anyways so I couldn't keep it up for long.
My belly continued to grow as I kept being fed all these amazing foods, but eventually it changed from desserts to milkshake.
My belly had been packed full of cakes and treats, all dry food that were pressing against my stomach walls, causing it to be uncomfortable. So whoever was doing this decided to relieve some of the pain by giving me a ton of milkshakes.
The milkshakes all floated over in an neat orderly line, each one pouring itself into my mouth and down into my belly.
After I'd finished about 20 of them, they stopped floating over, the pressure from the cakes had gone away, but now the pressure was being caused by the milkshake bloating.
(Non Burst Ending)
More cakes then began to float over, but my stomach was too packed to have any more, so I held up my hand to stop it, it apparently worked as the food set itself back on the table and I could feel invisible hands massaging my humongous gut.
I was covered in crumbs and icing was smeared all over my mouth and belly. I started to burp loudly due to the pressure, it came out in loud, quick belches that surprised me, I wasn't one to burp usually but the tightness of my overstuffed belly forced the air out.
The hands continued to massage me, my belly was
as tight as a drum and looked like I'd swallowed a small car it was so big, I could barely see the opposite wall over my ballooned chest, each moob about the size of a watermelon.
It kept going like this for a while before eventually I yawned and started to fall asleep, my eyes shutting to the growling and groaning noises of my bloated stomach.
When I woke, I was retied up in ribbon, though not as tight as before, probably so as not to damage my belly.
I was sat by a Christmas tree, other presents sat around, I realised I was supposed to be a present, so I sat still and waited for what was to happen.
(Bursting Ending)
I wanted to stop the flow of cakes, but they were so good I had to keep going.
I kept shovelling cakes into my mouth and down to my gut, which kept growing alarmingly fast.
My belly started to turn red as the pressure rose, it also began making loud creaking noises, it was reaching its limit.
I was now burping between each bite, trying to get every last ounce of air out to make room for the incoming cake.
My belly evetuailly stopped growing, but the food kept coming, after a few more minutes I couldn't take any more, I was going to burst if I had any more.
I held up my hand to stop the food, but it was too late, a single cookie pushed its way into my mouth, I tried desperately to stop it, knowing if I ate any more I'd pop.
But it wasn't enough, the cookie went down my throat and into my car sized belly, which began to groan and creak even louder than before.
I started belching and burping way faster than before, in between burps pleading to not explode.
All at once, all the noises stopped, everything was silent.
I sighed as I thought I was safe from bursting.
What a joke.
My stomach then started growing rapidly, everything inside churning and bubbling up into an increased slew of burps.
I reached a point where I looked like I'd swallowed a whole bus, my belly red and completely stuffed way past its limit.
It groaned one final time, before i felt a searing pain,
and everything went black.
(Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed that story, feel free to leave your ideas in the comments below! I'd love to hear what suggestions you guys have!)