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Castle the Lost Episode: A Trap Set for Two Part 4



In Which Kate and Alexis Go Sailing

Lying on the aft deck of Evan Raintree's 67-foot blue water sloop Just Dessert, Detective Kate Beckett beheld cloudless skies and boundless ocean meeting on an unbroken horizon, no land in sight, a vista she would have delighted in were it not for the fact she was (a) naked, with (b) a crotch rope cleaving her labia, (c) wrists and ankles tied to the handrails, and (d) cruelly and effectively muzzled with a ball gag. It was morning, start of the second full day of captivity for Kate and Alexis Castle aboard the Just Dessert.

The sloop was crewed by three SGTO agents in the employ of Raintree, all expert semen seamen, with orders to dispose of Alexis and Kate far out in the Atlantic. They seemed in no particular hurry to accomplish their mission, taking full and ruthless advantage of their isolation to use the women as fuck toys. In the spirit of "share and share alike," they had actually drawn up and posted a schedule giving each man a 90-minute block of time below decks with either Kate or Alexis twice a day. "R & R" they laughingly termed it, short for "Rape & Recreation."

Claude, the Haitian thug large enough to justify his own ZIP code, was just now emerging from the hatch with a bound and gagged Alexis in his arms, having exceeded his allotted time with her by nearly thirty minutes. Neither of his accomplices seemed to object. He seated Alexis in the cockpit before groping her bare breasts. She whimpered piteously through the ball gag strapped in her mouth.

"Don't understand what you're complaining about," chided Claude. "Not like I haven't shown you a good time, plus I helped you refine your blowjob technique. You can now suck a basketball through a garden hose thanks to me."

"Good news," called Horst, the German-born mercenary at the helm. "Well, bad news for our guests. We've reached our destination. My fathometer indicates we're in nine hundred feet of water. Claude, Marcel, guess it's time we got to work."

Marcel loomed over Kate like a thunderhead. "As much as we've enjoyed fucking you silly bitches around the clock, Mr. Raintree's instructions were to make goddamn sure you never trouble him again." He hefted a bag labeled BONDO-CRETE and showed it to the captive policewoman. "This is just the ticket."

Not quite two hours later, Kate Beckett and Alexis Castle were poised on the stern of the good ship Just Dessert, tied up and gagged with their feet encased in tubs of rapidly drying concrete. Horst, Marcel, and Claude took unalloyed pleasure in their plight, taking cellphone pictures and pawing their breasts one last time.

"Bitches, here's where we part company," said Horst. He planted his boot sole against Kate's tub, pushing it toward the edge. Marcel followed suit with Alexis. "Be sure and give our regards to the marine life on your way to the bottom of the Atlantic. Sayonara!"

Kate 02 - Final


3D render by Daniel of Daniel-Remo-Art

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2500x2188px 3.45 MB
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anonymous's avatar
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I like the way the brunette is tied down. Makes it easy to saw her in half.