Actual size.
Current Residence: The basement. Specifically, yours.
Favourite genre of music: POWER METAL \m/
Favourite photographer: oNotAttempt (<3).
Favourite style of art: Pixelstyle!
Operating System: MacBook.
MP3 player of choice: iPod Mini.
Shell of choice: Lobster - or perhaps prawn.
Wallpaper of choice: Anything that's not paisley. Please, never again paisley.
Skin of choice: Rabbit. Damn rabbits.
Favourite cartoon character: Calvin & Hobbes. Yeah, both of 'em.
Personal Quote: Tekeli-li! Tekeli-li! *manic gibbering ensues*
It's the worst thing ever; you ought to be shot
It's pretty bad
It's okay
It's great
It's amazing; you are a god among men
I think you should try something new (tell me what!)
It hurts my eyes