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The Summertime Feud



For the Summer Contest, a bit of a reposition/story progression from the banner.

Here we see Obi-Wan Kenobi meditating on Rishi surrounded by women, there are probably a few clones off camera too. How he could meditate like this, I don't know. I wouldn't be able to ;P.

Anyway, to the Left of Obi-Wan you have Anujenin the Chiss from a few other pictures I've done (though, here she's not with the empire... since it's not a thing yet...), who was sunning herself, then to the right is Padawan (almost knight) Kyramla, behind her are Taliki who is a sharshooter of the republic army (at this point), and holding her is Alluria from "the Force Tribe" stories I wrote way back when and never really finished. ^^;

Here Anujenin and Kyra look to be having an argument. Also, zoom in on Taliki's face for a laugh XD

Other pics of all of them (For reference, these pics are either a) in the near future or the near past).

Anujenin: Emperor's Assassin (Future)
Kyramla: portrait of a Bounty Hunter (Future)

Anujenin: The Emperor's trusted Assassin.(Future)

Kyramla: Flyboy (Future)

Taliki: Sharpshooter (Future)

Alluria and Obi-wan: dueling Destiny's  (past)

Alluria: the Protector (past)

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master-ninjabear's avatar

Meditation is how a guy avoids questions like, "Is that your lightsaber, or you just happy to see me?"