WillowHill Audition P1Boredman on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/boredman/art/WillowHill-Audition-P1-201903618Boredman

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WillowHill Audition P1



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Page 1 of my Audition for the OC Tournament at :iconwillowhill-asylum:
The Ripper Ref Sheet : [link]

Originally, i was planning to re-send these pages [link] [link] [link] as my audition, but since the dead line is not before an other five weeks, i figured it would be more fair-play of me to do some new pages.
That way you can see how the character has evolved and get a taste of the type of entries i will be uploading if i make it to the first round (some entries however might be in shades of gray rather than in colors like this one, it'll depend on the atmosphere).

Note: The Playmates pages i was refering to earlier are still valid for both my audition and to better understand the character's psychology.

The Ripper(c) me ( Dr Greta calls him Hatter, or Mad Hatter, but that's only a nickname. No one knows his real name beside "the Ripper" )
Dr Greta & Asylum worker(c) :iconinvertedmind-inc: [link] [link]
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devilisuke's avatar
*cries* this is scary....*continues to stare at it*..hm...