Deviation Actions
King Arvedui calls for aid! And so we must answer the call ... bravely setting out from the Shire in this fancy covered wagon to lend him our arms.
Fun Fact: I invited my players to my LOTR game by mailing them invitations IRL, using crinkled yellow paper, an old-timey writing font, and a wax sealed envelope featuring the Tree of Gondor. Damn, those were good times!
Background: My current project, 'The Magiq of Aenya,' is loosely based on the ten-year D&D campaign I ran for my wife and kids. We started out from Aenya, hopped through a Fantastigate, and journeyed through the multiverse in search of my kids characters'---Lilliea and Rose---father.
Want to know more about AENYA? What in the nine hells are you waiting for??? Visit AENYA.NET today!
I am not mocking it... I chose a life ungored.